Career Advice on How to Become Nursing Aides, Orderlies and Attendants.
Nursing Aide Careers, General Nursing Career Information.
If you are looking to become fabulously wealthy or even make a decent living, you might want to look elsewhere. In fact you might wish to look just about anywhere else you can think of, to be blunt. Working in nursing aide careers, orderly or nursing attendant is a tough, tough job where one is seeing all the pain and misery of the medical profession with virtually no real upside to nursing careers.
Those who are in a job search or nursing career planning really need to take this fact into account when making any sort of career decisions. While there are roughly 2.3 million in the industry and the rate of job growth for nursing aide careers, orderlies and attendants is excellent, the pay is so low considering the nature of the work. One simply has to question whether or not a nursing career as an orderly, attendant, or nursing aide is a logical career choice.
Nursing Aides, Nursing Attendant, Orderlies Careers, Facts:
Men and women alike, seeking out careers as nursing aides, orderlies and nursing attendant careers can expect to earn a whopping $10.67 per hour, summer home in France… here we come! Is this pay ridiculous? Considering the work, the answer to this question is a resounding “Yes.” There can be no real doubt. Some nursing aides, orderlies and attendants can earn as little as $7.78 per hour, with the top ten percent earning about $15.00 per hour. Again, sort of ridiculous when one cuts through the niceties.
Nursing Careers, Orderly and Attendant Career Opportunities and Job Outlook-Excellent:
The demand for nursing careers, specifically, nursing aides, orderlies and attendants is, not surprisingly, rather high. The expected job growth is expected to be about twenty-eight percent for these nursing careers. Which means that the army of 2.3 million nursing aides, orderlies and nursing attendant jobs will grow to nearly 3 million by 2016. No doubt part of this growth is due to the fact that the numbers of retirees in the United States is expected to grow very dramatically in the coming years.
Nursing Aide Careers, Nursing Attendant Jobs, Orderlies, A Day in The Life:
Nursing aide careers for example, essentially require working nursing attendant jobs, helping nurses perform a variety of task. They perform task such as helping patients get dressed, eat and even bathe. In some cases, they may also assist with some basic medical care such as taking temperatures, blood pressure and pulse rate. When they are not doing these tasks, of course you will see them strolling slowly along the Seine River, and sipping frothy cappuccinos in Rome.
In short, they do much of what the average person would expect the nurse to do, but for a tiny fraction of the cost. This cost savings is likely passed on to the consumer, right? Regardless, those in nursing aide careers, orderlies and nursing attendant careers, work in a high-pressure environment for relatively low pay. No wonder the job growth rate is expected to be so very high for these specific nursing careers.
Nursing Aide Careers, Orderlies and Attendant Jobs, Average Salary:
The average salary for nursing aide careers, orderly careers, and nursing attendant careers is $10.67.
$18k - $22k
Nursing Careers, Orderly and Attendant Training and Qualifications:
Its comforting to know that for these nursing careers, no official training is required to work in a hospital and take a nursing aide job, orderly or nursing attendant job.