Career Advice on How to Become A Preschool Teacher.
Preschool Teaching Careers, General Information.
There is an easy and quick way to determine if a teaching career, as a preschool teacher is the proper choice for you and should be part of your teaching career search. Simply take a piece of wood such as a 2X4 or similar object and strike yourself in the head with it. Now it should be noted that this should only be done with a relatively light amount of force. One should not hit one’s self in the head with such force that unconsciousness results. Instead the blow should simply be enough to leave you dazed as if the victim of a robbery by a half-starved, hundred and twenty pound drug addict. If at the end of this experience you feel as though you have enjoyed yourself, then you have what it takes to enter the career of the preschool teacher.
Before you think this assessment is too brutal consider for a moment the horrific fact that the average preschool teacher earns about $24,000, with the bottom ten percent earning about $19,000. Yes, you can earn more money doing just about anything else full time. And that makes a preschool teaching career borderline ridiculous. However, on the flip-side of the coin, each state has different licensing requirements for those looking to work in a preschool teaching career. This means that many preschool teachers, of course, do not have the training necessary for the job. This in itself opens up an entirely different “can of worms” as to whether or not it should be law that preschool teachers should need to have college degrees in education before taking a career in teaching at any capacity. |
Teaching Careers, Career Facts:
Part of the low pay for the profession of preschool teacher, is the absurd notion that the job is easy. Of course, no one could be blamed for having this notion. After all, all preschool teachers do is work with dozens of children ages 3 to 5, at the same time, and try and teach them the basic skills necessary for life. Yes, it is that kind of easy job.
Preschool Teacher Careers, Opportunities and Job Outlook- Excellent:
The job outlook for preschool teaching careers is expected to be excellent between 2008 and 2018. |
Teaching Careers, Preschool Teachers, A Day in The Life:
Ask yourself the following question before commencing your teaching career planning. Have you have ever been surrounded by numerous children, running in circles and screaming? Then you have a taste of what parts of a preschool teacher’s day looks and feels like. |
Preschool Teacher Jobs, Average Salary:
This is the kind of teaching career people take because they have a passion for it. The “it” is referring to being both stressed out and impoverished. The average preschool teacher career, can expect to amount to about $24,000 anually, with the top ten percent earning about $42,000 per year. |
$24k - $42k
Preschool Teaching Careers, Training and Qualifications:
Educational requirements vary greatly from state to state. Many employers will expect applicants to have some course work in child development or education. Increasingly, an associate’s degree in childhood education is becoming common for preschool teaching careers. |