Career Advice on How to Become a Receptionist and Information Clerk
General Career Information
The career of a receptionist or information clerk is more critical to the success of an organization than many might believe on first glance. Most of us have had the experience where we refused to do business with an establishment due to the rudeness of the “person at the front desk.” Receptionist and information clerks act as a point of first contact between a business and its potential clients. They answer phones, direct visitors, great visitors, schedule appointments, check messages, and deal with mail delivery, as well as a variety of other tasks.
In fact, the receptionist and information clerks are responsible for all the logistical operations that generally get overlooked, but are critical to the successful operation of any business or organization. In many organizations, the receptionist, for example, can yield far more influence than his or hers position would indicate. This is usually because they know how the “place works” and “where the bodies are buried.”
Career Facts:
Due to the fact that receptionist and information clerks usually have a high level of contact and interaction with the public, it is paramount that they present themselves in a coherent manner, both in terms of appearance and communication style and skills. After all, the receptionist and information clerk is often the first point of contact with potential clients and business associates.
As of 2006, there were about 1.2 million people employed as receptionists and information clerks. Surprisingly enough, about one-third of all receptionist and information clerks are employed in the health care and social assistance industries. |
Career Opportunities and Job Outlook-Excellent:
If your job search includes this career, there is some good news. Prospects for receptionist and information clerks are actually very good. While there are 1.2 million people currently working in the field, a seventeen percent increase is expected by 2016. This rate of growth is faster than the average rate of growth for all jobs. Factor into your career planning this information- many of the new jobs are expected to come in the medical, employment services and legal fields. |
A Day in The Life:
Because a receptionist or information clerk can work in virtually any type of office, the work conditions can differ dramatically. For example the receptionist at a yoga studio will probably have a much different experience than a receptionist at a factory facility. In general, receptionist and information clerks should expect a great deal of information to flow through their hands. Meeting and greeting people, transferring phone calls, taking messages, keeping appointments, and redirecting wives so that mistresses can slip out the back door, are just a few of the possible wonders that await the receptionist or information clerk. And of course, there is the pure joy that can only come from working with the public on a day in and day out basis. |
Average Salary:
The pay for being the glue that holds together an entire multi-million, or even multi-billion dollar enterprise, is amazing as well. On average, a receptionist or information clerk can expect to pull in the big bucks somewhere in the neighborhood of $11 per hour, with some medical office receptionists making almost $13. |
$20k - $27k
Career Training and Qualifications:
If this sounds like the job for you, it can be yours as long as you have excellent communication skills, a high-school diploma and don’t mind looking the other way as your boss (and your bosses boss) breaks numerous laws both local and federal. |