Career Advice on How to Become a Human Resources Manager
General Career Information
As a Human Resources Manager, you are in charge of making many people happy. You really must be a good “people person.” You must also understand how the business seeks to operate, but also be able to understand what employees want and need as well.
Your job is to essentially be the middlemen between the needs of the company and its staff. So, you have to walk the line between advocating for the needs and rights of the workers, while at the same time advocating for the needs of the company. If this career is on your job search agenda, just make sure you love working with people. And we mean LOVE. |
Career Facts:
The job of the Human Resources Managers is really a gatekeeper to the CEOs and hotshots of the company. After all, we wouldn’t want lowly employees knocking on the doors of the head honchos asking for things, would we? So when employees have needs or demands, it is up to you to straighten out the situation and solve any potential problems.
To be a Human Resources Manager you must be extremely patient, and have phenomenal people skills. You must be very good at handling conflict, and also very fair. You must also be very discreet about people’s personal problems and affairs.
In other words, you must basically be an angel descended straight from heaven. Although people will be complaining to you (as well as about you behind your back), you must always keep a patient and pleasant demeanour. |
Career Opportunities and Job Outlook-Excellent:
There is predicted to be faster than average job growth until 2012 for this career. There will be an increase in needs for Human Resource Managers with specialties. For example, those who work with older workers will increasingly be more in demand. |
A Day in The Life:
The daily work of the Human Resources Manager will include things like doing payroll, hiring and firing employees, and organizing employee benefits. During the day you will also do a lot of paperwork while trying to ignore the vicious comments about you swirling around the office.
It is tricky work indeed. You very well will ultimately have your co-workers calling you all kinds of names, everything from “corporate sell-out” to just plain old “jerk.” If your career planning includes looking into becoming a Human Resources Manager, just make sure you have a thick skin. Otherwise, you will be a very tearful and hurt Human Resources Manager sitting in your office wondering why everyone hates you. |
Average Salary:
The average salary for this career is $64,710
$60k - $70k
Career Training and Qualifications:
As the jobs of the Human Resource Managers will vary from company to company, there is a bit of a variety in the qualifications as well. Some companies look for college graduates simply with a business or liberal arts background. Many Human Resources Managers actually majored in Human Resources or Personnel Administration in college. |