- Agriculture & Environment
- Architecture, Construction, & Manufacturing
- Arts, Entertainment & Publishing
- Actor
- Audio and Video Equipment Technician
- Broadcast Technician
- Camera Operator for Television, Video and Motion Pictures
- Choreographer
- Commercial or Industrial Designer
- Craft Artist
- Dancer or Choreographer
- Desktop Publisher
- Film and Video Editor
- Fine Artists, Including Painters, Sculptors and Illustrators
- Interior Designer
- Interpreter or Translator
- Music Director
- Musician or Singer
- Photographer
- Producer or Director
- Proofreader or Copy Marker
- Radio and Television Announcer
- Reporter or Correspondent
- Sign Language Interpreter
- Sound Engineering Technician
- Technical Writer
- Banking, Finance & Accounting
- Business, Management and Administration
- Advertising and Promotions Manager
- Bill and Account Collector
- Counter and Rental Clerk
- Customer Service Representative
- Executive Secretaries and Administrative Assistants
- General and Operations Manager
- Human Resources Manager
- Marketing Manager
- Meeting and Convention Planner
- Meter Readers, Utilities
- Public Relations Manager
- Purchasing Manager
- Receptionist and Information Clerk
- Education and Training
- Adult Literacy, Remedial Education and GED Teacher or Instructor
- Educational Administrator for Elementary or Secondary Education
- Educational Teacher in the Postsecondary System
- Educational, Vocational or School Counselor
- Elementary School Teacher
- Health Educator
- Librarian
- Nursing Instructor or Teacher at the Postsecondary Level
- Preschool Teacher
- Secondary School Teacher
- Special Education Teacher
- Special Education Teacher, Secondary School
- Training and Development Specialist
- Vocational Education Teacher at the Postsecondary Level
- Government and Public Administration
- Health Sciences, Social and Human Services
- Ambulance Driver or Attendant
- Anesthesiologists
- Audiologist
- Child, Family, and School Social Workers
- Chiropractor
- Dental Hygienist
- Dental Laboratory Technician
- Dentist
- Dietitians and Nutritionists
- Family and General Practitioner
- Massage Therapist
- Medical Appliance Technician
- Medical Assistant
- Medical Records and Health Information Technician
- Medical Secretary
- Medical Transcriptionists
- Nursing Aides, Orderlies and Attendants
- Obstetrician and Gynecologist
- Pediatrician
- Pharmacist
- Pharmacy Aide
- Pharmacy Technician
- Physical Therapist
- Physical Therapist Aide
- Physical Therapist Assistant
- Physician Assistant
- Psychiatrist
- Radiologic Technologists and Technicians
- Registered Nurse
- Speech-Language Pathologist
- Surgeon
- Surgical Technologist
- Veterinarian
- Hospitality and Tourism
- Amusement and Recreation Attendant
- Baggage Porter or Bellhop
- Baker
- Bartender
- Butcher and Meat Cutter
- Chef or Head Cook
- Counter Attendant-Cafeteria, Food Concession and Coffee Shop
- Dining Room, Cafeteria Attendant or Bartender Helper
- Fast Food Cook
- Food Preparation Worker
- Food Service Manager
- Gaming and Sports Book Writer or Runner
- Gaming Change Person or Booth Cashier
- Gaming Dealer
- Gaming Manager
- Host or Hostess At a Restaurant, Lounge or Coffee Shop
- Hotel, Motel and Resort Desk Clerk
- Housekeeping Supervisor
- Institution and Cafeteria Cook
- Janitor or Cleaner
- Locker Room, Coatroom and Dressing Room Attendant
- Lodging Manager
- Maid or Housekeeping Cleaner
- Manager of Food Preparation
- Meat, Poultry, Fish Cutter or Trimmer
- Parking Lot Attendant
- Restaurant Cook
- Short Order Cook
- Slot Key Person
- Tour Guide or Escort
- Travel Agent
- Travel Clerk
- Waiter or Waitress
- Law, Public Safety and Security
- Real-estate and Insurance
- Retail, Fashion and Cosmetology
- Sports and Recreation
- Technology, Engineering and Science
- Biochemist or Biophysicist
- Biologist
- Biomedical Engineer
- Chemical Engineer
- Chemist
- Civil Engineer
- Computer and Information Systems Manager
- Computer Software Engineer
- Computer Support Specialist
- Database Administrator
- Economist
- Environmental Engineer
- Food Scientist and Technologist
- Help Desk Technician
- Microbiologist
- Network and Computer Systems Administrator
- Nuclear Engineer
- Telecommunications Line Installer and Repairer
- Webmaster
- Transportation, Distribution and Logistics